Hepatitis C Treatment/Clearance
Bar Chart

Data cannot be displayed by age group for a county and statewide or region level at the same time.

  • Data source: NYS Hepatitis Elimination and Epidemiology Dataset (HEED), reported as of January 2023.
  • Treatment/clearance is defined as the cumulative percent of individuals diagnosed with HCV since 2010 with evidence of treatment for, or clearance of, hepatitis C infection, per year.Negative HCV RNA results became reportable in NYC in 2014 and statewide in 2016, allowing the identification of people who have cleared their infection, either following treatment, or spontaneously without treatment. Patients who cleared their infection prior to when negative HCV RNA results were reportable may not be identified as such, resulting in an underestimate of this metric.
  • Neighborhood Tabulation Areas or NTAs, are aggregations of census tracts that are subsets of New York City’s 55 Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs).
  • Stratification by age is available in 7 categories(<20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+) for New York State, NYS (excluding NYC), region, New York City, and NYC borough. At the county level (excluding NYC counties) and NYC NTA level (map view only), age groups are limited to 2 categories (<40 and 40+).
  • Data by age group and sex combined is not available at the county level or NYC NTA level.
  • Data on sex/gender are obtained primarily through laboratory reports, which may not reflect the gender identity of the individual.
  • See Data Sources and Methodology for more information.